Jan 28, 2021
Hey sis!
In this episode, we are talking all about "chasing". Why do we do
it? Why do we chase the people who don't want us and what does this
have to do with our trauma and our emotional needs? Join me and
special guest, intimacy alchemist, Michelle Panning as we chat
about codependency, inner child wounds, and chasing what doesn't
want us.
***Disclaimer: in this podcast episode we talk about masculine and
feminine energies. These are not to be confused with gender. You
can also think of these energies as yang and yin or Shiva and
Shakti- whichever you prefer.****
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Michelle's info:
Website for the Connected Woman: connectedwomanprogram.com
Code for $200 off the Connected Woman: SELFLOVEFIX for pay in full
or SELFLOVE6 for payment plan
IG: @michellepanning
Business Inquiries?
Email the team: hi@beatricekamau.com
IG: @theselflovefix.
Website: www.beatricekamau.com