Feb 17, 2022
I’m so excited to be joined by a repeat guest in this episode! Michelle Panning, also known as the Intimacy Alchemist, joins me for an intriguing conversation about breaking up, heartbreak, intense feelings, healthy relationships, and finding love.
Michelle has so much amazing insight into these topics and really prompts me to look at things from a different perspective in the love department. I believe this conversation will do the same for you, and I’m excited for you to hear it!
Here are the specifics that Michelle and I discuss:
It’s my hope that whether you’re going through a recent breakup, looking for a healthy relationship, or just looking to improve the relationship you’re already in, this conversation speaks to you and helps you evolve in some way. Help yourself heal, grow, and thrive so you can be ready to manifest the man of your dreams!
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If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love.
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theselflovefix
Website: http://www.beatricekamau.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/michellepanning
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