Oct 24, 2019
Hey girl hey!
In this episode, I chat with professional astrologer Astrofashionista (Tamerri Ater) about the role that astrology plays in our ego, identity, how we act in relationships, love, birth charts, where our reactivity lies in our birth/natal chart, relationships, and of course, passion and purpose! If you have been wondering what exactly is astrology all about and how does it apply to your life... look no further because we cover it ALL in this episode. This is your crash course in astrology & your identity through the lens of astrology, you don't want to miss this!
Please note: ** The terms natal and birth chart can be used interchangeably**
More info about Tameri Ater
Tamerri Ater's Instagram: @astrofashionista
Tamerri Ater's Facebook: astrofashionista
Tamerri Ater's Youtube: astrofashonista
Books mentioned by Tamerri Ater:
The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Astrology
Self care product mentioned by Tamerri Ater: chakra sprays by Aveda
Tamerri Ater's website (where you can also get your free copy of your own birth chart! All you need is your name, birthplace, and birth time to get YOUR own personal chart to follow along with the information in this podcast. Click here for a direct link): Astrofashionista.com
Tameri Ater's newest video course Soul Goals: A course on how to manifest a love partner (can also be found on her website)
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Website: www.beatricekamau.com
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