Apr 25, 2022
I am so excited for this empowering episode! Today, three incredible women joined the podcast, each of them having gone through my Self Love Over Codependency program. They were kind and brave enough to share their journeys to self-discovery, what they learned from the program, and how it’s changed them for good.
I’m so inspired by each of their stories because it really shows the connections and differences between each person’s experience with SLOC. I’m so glad that their lives have been enhanced by the program, and I can’t wait for you to hear their accounts.
Here’s a rundown of the episode:
From changes in how they perceive themselves to the way they interact with others to changes in their physical beings, SLOC has touched their lives in irreversible ways! I’m so happy for them and greatly appreciate their willingness to share.
If you liked this episode of the podcast, take a screenshot, head on over to my Instagram and share it on your IG stories, and tag me, @theselflovefix.
If you love what you learned, be sure to hit that follow button so you never miss a future episode, and make sure to leave a review to help me reach more listeners just like you looking to follow their inner truth and live a life of abundance & authentic self-love.
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theselflovefix
Website: http://www.beatricekamau.com
Are you ready to dive into your habits of codependency in order to start putting yourself first? Enroll in Self Love Over Codependency today to learn how to shift from self-doubt to worthiness and DEEP levels of self-trust! Join now: https://beatricekamau.com/sloc
Ashley M: https://instagram.com/asshleeyyy
Ashley S: https://instagram.com/ashleyliliana_
Samantha: https://instagram.com/sammyliebs