Oct 28, 2021
On this episode of the Self Love Fix podcast, I sit down with Cynthia Davidson, a master of emotion decoding & release. I got to experience her work with this process firsthand, and it is SUCH a helpful tool, especially for those healing from trauma.
Cynthia explains what emotion decoding is and the process surrounding it. In short, this is a method of releasing emotions that are trapped within our bodies, allowing us to experience a light and bright feeling that is quite freeing.
On this episode, I cover:
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Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/theselflovefix
Website: http://www.beatricekamau.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/intuitive_essentials
Work with Cynthia: http://ie-advocate.refr.cc/beatrice (Click here to book an emotion decoding session with Cynthia)
(Disclaimer: Please note, I am an affiliate for Cynthia Davidson's services, meaning I do receive a commission if you book services with her through this link. However, I personally have paid for and continue to pay for Cynthia's services because they have been absolutely transformational for my life, and I would only ever recommend services I have vetted and 100% believe in.)